Anno XXXIX (2011), Fasc. I, N. 150

Anno XXXIX (2011), Fasc. I, N. 150

  1. Saggi

      Purgatorio XXVIII: Matelda – pp. 3-37

      Matelda, the young and beautiful woman who sings and picks lowers by the river Lethe, is the chief character of the Canto. Real and symbolic and the same time, she stands for the happiness ruling in Eden after the Redemption. Biblical, mythological and stil novo references concur in shaping her character. She speciies nature and function of the Earthly Paradise to Dante and volunteers as his guide through the «divina foresta» she has the task to watch over up to Beatrice’s arrival.


      Idea, ‘fabrica’, ‘nuova maniera’. Pietro Aretino e la creazione del libro di Lettere – pp. 38-65

      Pietro Aretino was a supple and versatile author, a ine craftsman of words and a maker of characters who at the peak of his career and success created a new literary genre: the book of letters in the vulgar tongue. Through gathering, writing, re-writing and giving his subject-matters a ictional character, Aretino realized the irst Book of Letters, a work whose accurate and polished style and structure aimed at offering a grand image of the author, of his writing and of his literary and human identity


      Aspetti della scrittura «fuoruscita»: le lettere al Varchi di Giovambattista Busini* – pp. 66-93

      The letters written by G. Busini and B. Barchi about the siege of Florence are crucial to a deep understanding of the events and igures of that period. Besides a cross-section of Florentine life during the years 1527-1530, this survey gives an original sample of styles and ways of writing achieved by following Machiavelli’s great model.


      Proprio una “Bella giornata”? Un’analisi delle metafore conoscitive in Ferito a morte di Raffaele La Capria* – pp. 94-110

      The author concentrates on two cognitive metaphors Raffaele La Capria makes use of in his Ferito a morte – “Bella giornata” and “Foresta vergine” – in order to give a visual idea of the ambiguity of his relationship with Naples and contemporarily throw light on the very process of literary imagination.

  2. Linguistica

      Un episodio della fortuna del dialetto tra letteratura e scuola: il contributo di Salvatore Di Giacomo a un libro di Ciro Trabalza* – pp. 111-137

      In 1917 Ciro Trabalza published a passage of I promessi sposi translated into several dialects. Salvatore Di Giacomo was the author of the Neapolitan translation. This minor event in the history of textbook publishing is examined here from a historical and linguistic perspective, and connected with the reappraisal of dialects in the literary world.

  3. Contributi

      I segni reiterati del cambiamento e della trasformazione. Note sulla lingua e lo stile della Serata a Colono di Elsa Morante – pp. 139-162

      By means of a linguistic and stylistic analysis, the essay detects the countless signs of transformation which can be found in Serata a Colono, the only play written by Elsa Morante. This is obtained by taking into account both the metamorphoses undergone by the different characters – all of them compared with Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus – and the lives led by Oedipus and Antigone and the language they make use of.


      Realtà e fantasia ne L’Iguana di Anna Maria Ortese – pp. 164-188

      L’Iguana by Anna Maria Ortese is a metaphorical relection on grief, solidarity and loneliness. This mysterious novel is imbued with a gloomy and painful atmosphere which creates images of human wickedness, sufferance and social oppression. Some signs of human feelings are also scattered in the novel, which try to turn suffering and despair into joy and conidence.

  4. Recensioni

      La lucerna di Cleante. Poliziano tra Ficino e Pico, Firenze 2009 (Daniela De Liso) – pp. 189-191


      Il Carnevale di Machiavelli, Firenze 2009 (Daniela De Liso) – pp. 191-192


      La grammaire de la République. Langages de la politique chez Francesco Guicciardini (1483-1540), Genève 2009 (Mario Pozzi) – pp. 192-197


      Parini. L’officina del «Giorno», Brescia 2010 (Daniela De Liso) – pp. 198-199

    • In un concerto di voci amiche. Studi di Letteratura italiana dell’Otto e Novecento in onore di Donato Valli, a cura di M. Cantelmo e A.L. Giannone, Galatina 2008 (Mariella Muscariello) – pp. 199-205

    • Per Peppino De Filippo attore e autore. Giornata di studi (28 novembre 2005), a cura di P. Sabbatino e G. Scognamiglio, Napoli 2010 (Vincenzo Caputo) – pp. 205-207